English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd

Package & BAF Promotion

One week to go!

As the applications for BDA package funding continue to roll in we would like to remind clubs that you still have until 5pm on 31st March to submit your Gold, Silver or Community Package applications!

Package funding isn’t necessarily for new recruitment activity, if your club already has an Open Day planned and in the fixture list then why not apply for a BDA Package and use the funding to extend your marketing reach, put on an extra table’s worth of refreshments or ensure that all your members are armed with promotional leaflets about your club?

For full terms and conditions and Package application forms, please visit www.playbowls.org

Also going well are the registrations for the BDA’s Bring a Friend Week which is to run from 27th April to 6th May.
Already we have reached a record number of registrations for this years event but there is always room for a few more, particularly with a full month to go before the opening date!

To register your clubs intention to host a Bring a Friend event, please visit www.playbowls.org/bringafriend  and complete the registration form. Clubs who have already registered will receive their information packs during the week commencing 25th March.


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