David Cornwell House, Bowling Green, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0DA
Tel.: 01664 - 481900/1
Fax: 01664 - 482888
D.N.Brown e-mail: indoorbowl@aol.com
S.A.Rodwell e-mail: sar@eiba.co.uk


National Over 60 Singles Championship Final 2001
Over 300 spectators enjoyed an excellent display of Singles play at the start of the Final Stages of the Championship, held at Nottingham IBC.

The highlights of the First Round were the games played on Rink 2 and Rink 8.

Rink 2 saw Russell Milne (Clarrie Dunbar) playing Frank Turner (Selby), an Over 60 Finalist for the last two years. In a game that lasted 25 ends and saw Russell taking the last three ends to win 21-19.

Whilst on Rink 8, Eddie Bates (Riverside) played  Eddie Furze (Clevedon) in a game that lasted this time for 26 ends with Eddie Bates taking the last two ends to win 21-20.

The Semi-Finals on Sunday morning saw Ernie Austin (Wey Valley) easily overcoming Russell Milne. Bill Bell (Stanley) had a harder task, eventually defeating Eddie Bates 21 - 16, by winning what proved to be the last three ends.

The Final which was contested on Sunday afternoon saw Bill Bell from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the 2000 Champion, playing against Ernie Austin from Guildford, who had previously qualified for the National Fours Finals back in 1990. 

Ernie Austin led for 16 ends, until Bill came back to win the next five out of six ends and win the Championship for a further year - 21 - 14.


IBC = Indoor Bowling Club
For further information, please contact any of the following Officers who will be pleased to assist you.
Secretary              Deputy Secretary
D N Brown             S A Rodwell