English Indoor Bowling Association


National Competitions 2008-2009 - PHOTOS

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David Hubbard

Andy Thomson & Paul Field
Singles Pairs

Mark Dawes, Alan Foulds &
Tony King
(Blackpool Newton Hall)
Dorian Bishop, Russell Gadd, 
Gary Starks & Charlie Bailey 
Triples Fours

Greg Harlow
(City of Ely IBC)

Paul & Derek Johnson
(Lincoln IBC)
Champion of Champions
Sponsored by
Warners Leisure Hotels
Father & Son

Tim Stone &
Melanie Haylett 
(Acle IBC)

Roy Wotton, Di Green,
Barbara Tew & Jack Badham
(Birmingham IBC)
Mixed Pairs
Sponsored by Golden Charter
Mixed Fours

Dean Tute
(Lincoln & District IBC)

John Crozier
(Cumbria IBC)
Under 25 Singles Over 60 Singles

Bob Rose, Russell Pearce
& Dave Adams 
(Nottingham IBC)

Brian Brett & John McKee
(Huntingdon IBC)
Over 50 Triples
Sponsored by
Canter Levin & Berg
Over 60 Pairs
Sponsored by
Canter Levin & Berg

Cumbria IBC

Darlington IBC
Denny Cup Inter-Club
Sponsored by
Ryman the Stationer
Denny Plate Inter-Club

Sponsored by
Ryman the Stationer

John Andrews, Bob Locke, 
Martyn Jackson & Jim Bunce
(Essex County)


O60 Fours Champions
Over 60 Inter-County League

Torquay United

Cambridge Chesterton IBC
Under 25 Inter-Club
Double Rink

Over 60 Inter-Club
Double Rink
Sponsored by
Canter Levin & Berg

Norfolk CIBA

Dorset CIBA

Liberty Trophy Inter-County
Under 25 Inter-County
Double Rink
EIBA logo Copyright English Indoor Bowling Association 2009.