
The EIBA is pleased to acknowledge the following Official Partners
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Statement - UPDATE Coronavirus (COVID-19)
With the Government announcing yesterday that we
were entering the “Delay” phase to address the spread of "COVID-19" in
England, the EIBA have held discussions this morning relating to its
forthcoming National Finals and general guidance to its Member
Clubs and Counties.
It has been agreed that the following
National Final events will be postponed: -
• Monday 16th
March to Saturday 28th March at Nottingham IBC • Sunday 29th
March – Egham Trophy at Desborough Northants IBC • Wednesday 1st April to Thursday
9th April
at Nottingham IBC • Saturday 18th April - Top Club at Riverain
In addition, all Regional EBYDS Finals and the U18’s
International Trial are also postponed.
The EIBA will
continue to follow the guidance and/or directives of the Government
and Public Health England before announcing when the events are
proposed to be re-scheduled, but this is unlikely to be before the
Autumn of 2020.
In reaching this decision, the EIBA are fully
aware that players/officials may have made accommodation
arrangements for these finals, but its overriding concern is for
the health and welfare of the bowlers, volunteers, administrators
and spectators who would be at the events.
The demographics
of the sport and the potential unknown underlying health issues of
competitors/volunteers were key factors in reaching this decision.
For our Clubs and Counties, the EIBA recommend that they also
consider the profile of their members and act appropriately for any
planned activities now and in the future.
Currently the
guidance from Government is that club sport fixtures can take place
but to implement the following actions:-
• Regular washing of
hands • Use of Alcohol based hand sanitiser • Coughing or
sneezing into tissues which are then immediately placed into a bin
• Don’t touch your face unless hands have been washed • Members
who develop symptoms or a cough to self-isolate • Thoroughly
wiping down bowls before and after use • The shaking of hands
pre and post-match to not take place
We will continue to
monitor the situation and will act appropriately, if and when the advice
from the Government/Public Health England changes.
The latest
guidance can be found at:
Sport England
www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ |
Updated 13th March 2020